June Sang Lee

June Sang (Jason) is as of November 2023 a postdoc in our group. He joined the group in October 2019 as a DPhil student in order to work on phase-change photonics for novel optoelectronic/nanophotonic devices. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from University College London (UCL) and Master’s degree in Materials Science from University of Cambridge. Before joining the group, he was affiliated as a researcher in KAIST and Ewha Womans University to work on nanoscale optical filters and other optoelectronic devices. He enjoys watching and playing football. 

Year Degree Description University


DPhil Materials University of Oxford
2015 MPhil Materials Science University of Cambridge
2014 BEng Electrical and Electronic Engineering University College London

Office: ETB 50.14

Email: junesang.lee@materials.ox.ac.uk

Tel: +44 (1865) 283769