Jason's polarization-selective nanostructures reshapes photonic computing!
Nick and Nathan’s paper on reconfigurable photonic switches appears on the inside front cover of Advanced Science!
Utku's work on phase-change nanowires yields the world's first power-free frequency tuner!
Nathan’s research on Reconfigurable Optical Coatings, in collaboration with Bodle Technologies, appears in ACS Photonics, featured by The Times!
Nick's work on nanocalligraphy inspires new nanomanufacturing methods!
Yu's paper on water-based mechanical lithography is published in Nano Letters!
The group is excited to spin out a new company in the area of photonic computing for AI, Salience Labs!
Latest News
Jan 2025 - Now
- Nick is the new COO of ANE with his brand new lectureship position. We're excited to see where he will take us in 2025.
Jan 2024 - Dec 2024
- As Harish heads halfway across the world for his sabbatical, we say goodbye over a nice dinner.
- We welcome Ruveyda and Jock as our new DPhil students! (October 2024)
- Bowei publishes his Partial Coherence paper in Nature!
- Nick and Bowei get their review on Integrated photonic neuromorphic computing published in Nature Reviews Electrical Engineering.
- A paper on all-optical tunable RF filters is published by Samarth!
- Jason's paper on spatio-spectral control is published in Nanophotonics
- We say goodbye to Guoce and wish him all the best for his exciting future in Hong Kong (March 2023).
- We welcome Sharon as our new DPhil student (February 2024)!
- The book co-edited by Harish and Wolfram Pernice is published! Check out Phase Change Materials-Based Photonic Computing here.
- Wen, James, and Johannes publish a chapter on 2D neuromorphic photonics in the book Neuromorphic Photonic Devices and Applications.
- We welcome Angel as our new postdoc! (January 2024)
Jan 2023 - Dec 2023
- We bid farewell to Bowei, as he embarks his journey as a PI in the Institute of Microelectronics (November 2023)!
- Jason passed his DPhil viva - Congratulations Jason (November 2023)!
- Bowei's paper on Higher-dimensional processing using a photonic tensor core with continuous-time data is published in Nature Photonics (October 2023)
Featured on the University of Oxford as "From square to cube: Hardware processing for AI goes 3D, boosting processing power"
Watch Bowei illustrate his work with "Higher-Dimensional Photonic Computing Explained" on the Oxford Materials channel
- Samarth passed his DPhil viva - Congratulations Samarth (October 2023)!
- Our dear Yu transformed into a beautiful bride - Congratulations, Yu & Yang! (October 2023)
- Yu is interviewed by BBC Radio 4 as part of their All-Consuming program on the topic of microchips manufacturing (August 2023)!
- We welcome Andy back as our lab manager! Welcome home, Andy! (August 2023)
- Samarth's paper on Reduced rank photonic computing accelerator is published in Optica (August 2023)
- We welcome Dr Abu Sebastian as a Visiting Professor from IBM Research Zurich! (July 2023)
- Kairan and Yutong (legally) tied the knot! Congratulations! (July 2023)
- We welcome Sirui as our Summer Intern (and subsequent Part-II student)! (July 2023)
- Yu and Yang got engaged! Congratulations! (June 2023)
- Zhiyun and Zhongyu complete their MEng! (June 2023)
- We take part in two review papers on memristors (May and June 2023), published in Nature Photonics and ACS Nano.
- We welcome Mingde Du as a new Postdoctoral Researcher (May 2023)
- Wen and Bowei's work on an In-memory photonic-electronic dot-product engine is published in Nature Communications (May 2023)
- Nik's paper on Scalable, high-precision trimming of photonic resonances is published in Nano Letters (May 2023)
- Ghazi's paper on Atomically thin optomemristive feedback neurons is published in Nature Nanotechnology (May 2023)
Featured on the University of Oxford as "Artificial neurons mimic complex brain abilities for next-generation AI computing"
- We welcome Serena as our new DPhil student! (April 2023)
- We are now proud members of the RESPITE Project (March 2023)
Check out our Kickoff Meeting in Delft!
- Mengyun's work on a varifocal metalens using tunable dielectrics is published in Advanced Science (January 2023).
- We welcome Sijing as our new DPhil student! (January 2023)
Jan 2022 - Dec 2022
Yu passed her DPhil viva - congratulations Yu (Dec 2022)!
Utku passed his DPhil viva - congratulations Utku (Nov 2022)!
We welcome Sergei as our new MSc student (Oct 2022)!
We welcome Maxine as our new DPhil student (Oct 2022)!
We welcome Guoce Yang as a new Postdoctoral Researcher (Oct 2022)!
Zhiyun and Zhongyu have joined our group as Part-II students (Sept 2022).
- Utku's nanowire pick-and-place assembly is published in Small (Aug 2022).
Selected for the front cover of Small!
Featured by the University of Oxford as Discovery of new nanowire assembly process could enable more powerful computer chips.
- James' photonic architecture that performs Pavlovian learning on a chip is published in Optica (Jul 2022).
Featured by the University of Oxford as Seeing the light: researchers develop new AI system using light to learn associatively.
Featured by Optica in Optics & Photonics News as Pavlov’s Dog Meets Machine Learning.
- Jason's paper polarization-selective PCM is published in Science Advances (Jun 2022).
Featured by the University of Oxford as Researchers develop the world's first ultra-fast photonic computing processor using polarisation.
- Ghazi's paper on chalcogenide optomemristors appears in Nature Communications (Apr 2022).
Featured by Optica in Optics & Photonics News as An “Optomemristor” for Neural-Net Computing.
- Samarth's work on photonic integration of Sb memory cells is published in Nano Letters (Apr 2022).
Most read paper in the past 30 days (assessed on 04 May 2022)!
- Nick and Nathan's paper on electrically reconfigurable plasmonic switches appears in Advanced Science (Apr 2022).
Selected for the inside front cover of Advanced Science!
- Utku's paper on phase-change nanowire NEMS is published in Nature Communications (Mar 2022).
Featured by the University of Oxford as Researchers develop the world's first power-free frequency tuner using nanomaterials.
Selected for the Editors' Highlights collection in Nature Communications.
Jan 2020 - Dec 2021
Nathan's paper on Optical Coating using Phase Change Materials appears in ACS Photonics (Dec 2021).
Featured by the University of Oxford as New adaptable smart window coating could help heat or cool a home and save energy.
Featured by The Times as Turn on the windows to keep warm.
We welcome Bowei Dong as a postdoctoral researcher (Dec 2021).
Our fantastic four DPhil students from the 2017 cohort, Xuan, Nick, Eugene, and James, all pass their Viva. Congratulations (Oct-Dec 2021)!
Nick's nanocalligraphy paper appears on Microsystems & Nanoengineering (Oct 2021)!
Featured on Oxford MPLS Division's website as The Art of Calligraphy inspires new nanomanufacturing technique.
Appeared on Oxford University's News & Events webpage as On Mark Making: An artist’s impression from inside Oxford’s Bhaskaran Lab.
We are welcoming Yi Zhang, Kairan Huang, and Håvard Hem Toftevaag as new DPhil students (Oct 2021)!
Toby Edison, Barry Hao Yu, and Yuhang Lee have joined our group as Part-II students (Sept 2021).
Carlos Rios will join as Assistant Professor at the University of Maryland College Park in Fall 2021. Good luck Prof Rios (May 2021)!
Yu's recent paper on water-based nanomanufacturing is published in Nano Letters (Apr 2021)!
Featured on Oxford University's website as New water-based approach to manufacturing semiconductors!
Ghazi's news and views article titled "Memristors get the hues" appears in Nature Nanotechnology (Apr 2021)!
Nipho's work is published in Journal of Materials Chemistry C (Mar 2021).
The group is excited to spin out a new company in the area of photonic computing for AI, Salience Labs (Feb 2021)!
We welcome Yuhan back as a DPhil student (Jan 2021).
Johannes' paper is published in Nature (Jan 2021).
Appeared in Nature News and Views as Artificial intelligence accelerated by light!
Featured on Oxford University's website as Light-carrying chips advance machine learning!
Highlighted on EPFL's home page, along with a blog post named Light-based processors boost machine-learning processing!
Zengguang's paper appears in Science Advances (Jan 2021).
We welcome Mengyun Wang and Johannes Feldmann as postdoctoral researchers (Nov 2020).
Tara has won The Society of Glass Technology's 2020 Oldfield Prize for her work: "Thin-layer monatomic phase-change materials for photonic applications" (Oct 2020).
This is the first time anyone from Oxford has won it for over a decade (more specifically, since 2007). Many congratulations, Tara!
- Kristian Curtis joins our group as a Part-II student (May 2020).
- Xuan's paper is published in Optica (Mar 2020).
- Eugene's paper appears in Nano Letters (Feb 2020).
- We welcome Antonios back as a DPhil student (Jan 2020).
Jan 2019 - Dec 2019
- Nick and Nathan's paper on plasmonic enhanced phase-change memory cell and its mixed-mode operation is published in Science Advances (Nov 2019)!
Highlighted by Nature as Storing data at the speed of light!
- Claire Paetsch, June Sang Lee, Samarth Agarwal, and Tangsheng Cheng have joined our group for DPhil. Welcome to all (Oct 2019)!
- We welcome Tara Milne as a part-II student to carry out research on monatomic phase-change materials (Sep 2019)!
- Nipho passes his DPhil viva with minor corrections. Congrats (Sep 2019)!
- Ghazi's paper appears in Nano Letters (Aug 2019).
- Seongdong Lim joins us as a postdoc. Welcome (Aug 2019)!
- Nathan Youngblood join University of Pittsburgh as Assistant Professor - we bid him goodbye and wish him the very best (Jul 2019)!
- We welcome When Zhou as a postdoctoral researcher in photonic computing and Yuhan He as a visitor (Jul 2019)!
- We bid goodbye to Ghazi, who joins IBM Research- Zurich (Jun 2019)!
- Sam completes his MEng (May 2019)!
- All-optical AI paper appears in Nature (May 2019)!
Featured on Nature News and Views, by G. Burr.
- Nathan and April are parents to Clive. Welcome to our family, little Clive (May 2019)!
- Nathan accepted a tenure-track faculty position in Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at the University of Pittsburgh. He starts at this fall. Good luck, Nathan (Apr 2019)!
- Carlos and Nathan’s paper appears in Science Advances (Mar 2019)!
Also featured in Nature Electronics.
- Our paper with IBM appears in Science Advances (Feb 2019)!
Featured on IBM’s Blog.
- Ghazi passes his DPhil viva with minor corrections (Feb 2019)!
- We say goodbye to Ben Porter - one of the first 3 people to join ANE. We bid him the best in his new adventures in Asia (Jan 2018)!
Jan 2018 - Dec 2018
- Xuan’s paper hits cover page of Optica (Dec 2018).
- We welcome Sridevi Siddarama as a Postdoctoral researcher in photonics (Nov 2018).
- Yu Shu and Utku Emre Ali join us to carry out Doctoral Research. Welcome to both! (Oct 2018).
- We welcome Mohd Sharizal Alias, who joins our group’s effort in integrated photonics (Jul 2018).
- We occupy new laboratory space to accommodate our expanding effort in photonics (June 2018).
- Harish and Varsha are parents to Vedika (Apr 2018).
- Goodbye to one of our first group members, Madhav Kumar, who will join CEA. Good luck, and you will be missed! (Jan 2018).
- We bid goodbye to Qiang He, who will join Huawei after his PhD in Wuhan! (Jan 2018).
Aug 2017 - Dec 2017
- Our paper with our lead collaborators Wolfram Pernice on a Photonic Abacus appears in Nature Communications (Nov 2017).
- Zengguang’s paper on photonic synapses in Science Advances hits headlines (Oct 2017).
- We welcome our new cohort of DPhil students starting their first year. Xuan, Nick, Eugene and James - welcome to Oxford (Oct 2017).
Feb - July 2017
- Ben and Stella are proud parents to Ruaraidh (July 2017)
- Helge Gehring visits us from Wolfram Pernice’s Lab at Munster for a short exchange (July 2017)
- Takashi Lawson completes his Masters thesis, and will soon join Cambridge for a PhD in Photonics. Congrats, Takashi - we wish you the very best!
- We welcome Andreas Hessel from Joachim Knoch’s Group at Aachen for a 3 month Research Stay to work on Photonic NEMS (June 2017).
- Ghazi’s paper on Graphene Nanogaps carried out jointly with Jan Mol’s group is published in Nano Letters, and reported in Nanowerk (May 2017)
- Ghazi selected as an MRS Symposium Assistant for the MRS Spring Meeting and travels to Phoenix for the meeting (Apr 2017)
- Harish introduces phase change reflective displays at TEDx Eton. See the talk here! (Mar 2017)
Oct 2016 - Feb 2017
- Qiang He joins us as a CSC Scholar for 1 year as a Recognized Visiting PhD student from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China.
- Nathan Youngblood joins our team from Mo Li’s group at Minnesota as a Postdoctoral Researcher in Photonics (Jan 2017).
- Gerardo and Carlos get their DPhil. Heartiest congratulations! The lab celebrates in London and at Linacre College (Dec 2016)
- The Lab hosts the WAFT Collaboration Annual Meeting at Somerville College. 55 delegates, with 29 from industry from across the world were in attendance. The closest industrial partner was from Oxford while the farthest from Santa Barbara! Post-dinner drinks was of course the highlight of the meeting! (Oct 2016)
- Takashi Lawson joins us for his Master’s Thesis Research.
May - Sep 2016
- Jeremy Miles graduates with a MEng in Materials Science. Good luck, Jeremy!
- We bid goodbye to our colleague, Dr Merce Pacios, who is moving back to Spain to pursue a new scientific challenge. The entire lab misses you!
- Harish was interviewed by CACM (Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery) on on-chip optical memory. See: Silicon Photonics: Ready to Go the Distance?
- Ben and Stella get married. Congratulations!
- Harish and Peiman featured on a BBC podcast on Germanium.
Jan - Apr 2016
- Matthias finished his study and went back to Germany. Good luck Matthias, we will miss you! (Apr 2016)
- Carlos’s work on modulation and resolution of nanodisplays was published in Advanced Materials. Congratulations! (Mar 2016)
- Mercè’s nano-manufacturing paper was published in Scientific Reports. Congratulations! (Mar 2016)
- Gerardo was awarded the second place in the Best Student Poster Presentation at the 2016 Electronic Materials and Applications Conference for his poster on “Study of Ge2Sb2Te5 properties for opto-electronic applications”. Congratulations! (Jan 2016)
- Matthias Stegmaier from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) joins our group for a short-term study. Welcome, Matthias! (Jan 2016)
May - Dec 2015
- First Industrial Advisory Board Meeting of the Wearable and Flexible Technologies Programme (WAFT) led by Oxford held at Wolfson College. (Oct 2015).
- Jeremy Miles joins group as Part II researcher. Welcome Jeremy.
- Nhlakanipho and Ghazi join to pursue the DPhil. Welcome! (Oct 2015)
- Dr. Zengguang Cheng (from National Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Chinese Academy of Scienes, China) joins our group. Welcome, Zengguang! (21 Sep 2015)
- Carlos’ work on non-volatile photonic memories published jointly with Wolfram Pernice’s Group at Munster in Nature Photonics. See: Science, MIT Tech Review, The Engineer, Gizmodo. Article is ranked No 1 for “Most Read” and “Trending Online”. Congratulations, Carlos! (Sep 2015)
- Jeremy joins us in Michaelmas 2015 as a Part II student. Welcome, Jeremy! (Sep 2015)
- The Group celebrates the doctoral viva successes of Madhav Kumar (26-Aug) and Benjamin Porter (2-Sep)- in London’s Soho!
- In collaboration with Prof Bhaskar Choubey in Engineering Science, Harish wins an EPSRC grant to “Design Nanosystems the CMOS way (June 2015).”
- Freddie Onslow Wins the Worship Company of Ironmongers Award for the Best Part II talk at Oxford Materials. Freddie was invited to present her talk at the Court at Ironmongers Hall in London on June 9th. Congrats, Freddie for being our superstar Part II researcher!
- Carlos wins the Best Poster Award at the INC11 Conference in Fukuoka, Japan with his poster on "Growth and Nucleation Dominated Phase-Change Materials for Nano-Optoelectronics and Display Technology".
- Ben wins the local heat (Oxford) in the Young Lecturer’s Competition.
Jan - Apr 2015
- Peiman Hosseini is an RAEng Enterprise Fellow finalist - hits tech news! See Wired; IET; Electronics Weekly.
Oct - Dec 2014
- Harish to lead a collaborative £3.1 million grant by EPSRC on Wearable and Flexible Electronics (2015-2019). He will also be the lead Oxford investigator on another £3.1 million grant on Chalcogenides led by Prof Dan Hewak at Southampton (2015-2020). Both were announced by the Business Secretary, Vince Cable in December.
- Dr Daniel Engstrom will join Loughborough University as a Lecturer in the Wolfson School of Mechanical Engineering in Spring 2015. Congratulations, Daniel!
- Peiman and Harish win the IDTechex Academic R&D Awards at the recent Printed Electronics Conference in Santa Clara, CA.
- Mercè and Ramone get married!
May - Sep 2014
- Freddie Onslow joins us to carry out her Part II Research Project. A warm welcome to her!
- We review Additive Nanomanufacturing in the September special issue of the JMR.
- Peiman’s work published in Nature, gets international coverage (July 10, 2014). Read more in Applied Physics: A new view of displays, Nature News and Views
Featured internationally in Australia, India, Spain, Italy, Germany, USA, Belgium and Brazil. Peiman chats live on BBC Radio Oxford, while Harish speaks to German Public Radio.
- Carlos Rios represents Oxford in the British Universities Karate National and reached Quarter Finals in both the Kata and Kumite categories. At the Varsity 2014 competition with Cambridge, he defeated the opposing captain, although Oxford narrowly lost to Cambridge.
Jan - Apr 2014
- Carlos Rios joins us (from the Pernice Lab at KIT - Germany) as a Clarendon Scholar to pursue the DPhil (January 2014).
May - Sep 2013
- Alexander Kermani from UC-Santa Barbara’s Engineering School will undertake an undergraduate research project over summer at Oxford. Welcome Al! (July 2012)
- Dr Daniel Southcott Engstrøm joins our team from the London Center for Nanotechnology (UCL) (July 2013).
- We welcome Dr Mercè Pacios Pujadó as a Marie Curie Intra European Postdoctoral Fellow (May 2013).
Jan - Apr 2013
- We have relocated to University of Oxford’s Materials Department in January 2013.
- Wolfram Pernice (Karlsruhe) and Harish’s optical memory proposal (Appl. Phys. Lett. 2012) is featured as a Research Highlight in Nature Photonics (January 2013)
Oct - Dec 2012
- Peiman Hosseini is a finalist at the UK ICT Pioneers Competition - One of only three in the whole of UK to be shortlisted for the category of “Technology Everywhere”. Read EPSRC’s press release here.
- Wolfram Pernice at Karlsruhe and Harish’s all optical memory proposal is featured on the cover of Applied Physics Letters (Oct 2012).
- Dr Peiman Hosseini joins the lab to carry out postdoctoral research (Oct 2012).
Jun - Sep 2012
- Ben Porter wins TWO travel grants from the Institute of Physics - the CR Barber Fund and the Research Student Conference Fund - to attend the MNE 2012 in Toulouse (Sep 2012).
- We expand into a new clean-laboratory where our nanomanufacturing experiments will be undertaken. (June 2012)
Jan - May 2012
- Several opportunities (Postdoctoral and PhD Student) to join our team on some exciting scientific projects exist. Do you have skills in any of the following: micro and nanofabrication, electronics and MEMS/NEMS, scanning probe technologies or related? Then consider joining us (May-01-2012).
- Maria Stoikou joins Aixtron as a Process Scientist - Congrats, Maria! (May-01-2012)
Oct - Dec 2011
- We welcome Dr Maria Stoikou as an Associate Research Fellow (Dec-01-2011).
- The lab welcomes Gerardo Rodriguez-Hernandez, who will join as a Conacyt scholar to study for the PhD. Gerardo also wins a scholarship for Latin American students from Santander (Nov-01-2011).
- Ben Porter is the 2011 Greig Prize awardee at his undergraduate institution, the University of Aberdeen, for “exhibiting the greatest proficiency in the study of Physics”. Congrats, Ben.
- Madhav Kumar and Ben Porter join to pursue the PhD. Welcome, both! (Oct-03-2011).
Mar - Sep 2011
- A Postdoctoral Research Scientist Position in NEMS starting Oct 2011 is open (Aug-01-2011). Now closed.
- Bhaskaran Lab welcomes Jonathan Tirach as a summer intern (June-06-2011).
- Laboratory in Room 214 is being populated with instruments and other experimental toys (May-01-2011).
Jan - Mar 2011
- 3 PhD Studentships Open. Apply online now (deadline March 14, 2011): Now closed
Cognitive Computing PhD Position
3D Nanomanufacturing Using Probes
Nanoelectromechanical Systems (NEMS)
- We demonstrate piezoresistive sensing using magnetostrictive materials in NEMS (See H. Bhaskaran at al., Applied Physics Letters 98, 013502 (2011).)
Nov - Dec 2010
- New website launched (Nov -20-2010)
- Harish joins University of Exeter (Nov-01-2010)